I don’t know
whether I’m a
Renaissance Man
or just
a dilettante
John Sullivan
Works produced over many years
Constant Creative Cravings
It’s unusual to find a person who is attempting to work in more than one media. But then I am probably an unusual man!
I have had creative cravings for most of my life. For me it’s a sort of play not on stage. For me, each work is a project with its own problems, its own joys and its own sense of achievement when finished.
In the last chapter of my life I feel the need to offer those works to the public so they can be viewed and valued rather than lying dormant on hard drives which will probably never be accessed again.
I invite you to enjoy the works.

Painting for me has been a pleasurable activity over 30 years, an activity that delivered a creative physical outlet .

Video or filmmaking has been my obsession ever since I made my first film with an 8mm camera. Now it’s always video. I have made many programs for Vitascope Productions, the ABC and the Victorian Education Dept.